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Nursery - Mrs Reilly

Welcome to Our Lady of the Wayside Nursery  

With Mrs Reilly and Mrs Donnelly

Welcome to our Spring Term in Nursery!

Our curriculum is designed to stimulate and inspire our children through real context that excites and engages them in learning. We use a knowledge based curriculum that is underpinned by our school values and catholic social teaching. The curriculum is designed sequentially to build on prior learning and prepare our children for the next stage in their education. Through visits, visitors and real life learning we develop cultural capital. Communication and language is at the heart of our curriculum; it underpins all aspects of learning to equip children with the knowledge, skill and confidence to share, develop and extend their learning.                                                   


Below our Curriculum map shows how we will develop our skills and knowledge across the areas of the EYFS. We will be learning all about Winter! We will be learning about the winter changes and winter habitats!

Teaching and Learning during our Spring Term

In RE we will be learning all about Christmas and what happened during our festive break. Our next Spring unit will be all about Baptism. We will enjoy sharing our family Baptism photo's and learning all about the important Baptism milestone in our Catholic life.


In Maths we will continue to count in rote, match, compare and we will continue to learning more about number composition. 






In Phonics we will be learning all about the sounds g,o,c,k,ck,e,u. We will enjoy playing with sounds and practising our blending and segmenting skills and finding out all about the initial sounds of objects all around us! Please take a look at our Little Wandle information further down the page for ideas of what to do at home!

Little Wandle phase 2 picture logs | Teaching Resources


smiley The Nursery Teamsmiley

EYFS at Our Lady of the Wayside

At Our Lady of the Wayside our curriculum is designed in a sequential way from when children join us at the start of Nursery until they move into KS1 at the end of Reception. Below details the skills, development and knowledge we want our children to know, understand and do at the end of each term. This follows the progression within Development Matters. 

Little Wandle Foundations

In Nursery we follow Little Wandle Foundations, this focuses on oral blending, sharing stories and singing rhymes. It is part of the Little Wandle Foundations program that helps get children ready for the main Little Wandle program as they enter Reception. 

We have a real love for learning through our story time sessions, please find below our core texts for our Summer Term.

Gross and Fine Motor Activities to try out at home

Our School Prayers

We are having so much fun exploring Autumn...